日本財団 図書館


has been approved by the proviso of the said Article).
(3) For the navigation involved in night-time take-off and continuous climbing or landing and continuous descent navigation along a route specified by the Minister of Transport, route stipulated by the Minister of Transport under the provisions of Article 96 paragraph 1, route specified by a foreign state which is a contracting state adopting the standards, procedures provided for in the addenda 6 and 11 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation or route specified by the said foreign state or route recognized as appropriate by the Minister of Transport.


3. The experience in the operation of the flight simulator when operated in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Minister of Transport, shall be regarded as experience specified under paragraph 1 of the preceding paragraph.
Article 159. Under the provisions of Article 69 of the Law, among the aircraft crew engaged in the navigation of an aircraft used for air transportation service, a flight engineer shall have flight experience of over 50 hours on hoard the aircraft used for said air transportation or on board an aircraft of the same type as the aircraft used for said air transportation service during the period of one year prior to the date of navigation of said aircraft.


2. Experience in the operation of the simulator of the type of aircraft in the preceding paragraph, and said operation is in accordance with specifications by the Minster of Transport, shall be regarded as flight experience, limited to a maximum of 25 hours, in applying the provisions of the preceding paragraph.


Article 160. Under the provisions of Article 69 of the law, aircraft crew other than the aircraft crew prescribed in the two preceding Articles shall have the following flight experience:
(1) Aircraft crew qualified in the operation of radio telecommunication equipment shall possess a minimum of 25 hours of flight experience engaged in the navigation of aircraft during the period of one year prior to the date of undertalking the pilotage of the aircraft.


(2) Aircraft crew qualified in operating radio telecommunication equipment shall possess a minimum of 25 hours of flight experience engaged in the navigation of aircraft during the period of one year prior to the date of undertaking the pilotage of the aircraft.


2. Experience in the operation of a flight simulator in a manner specified by the Minister of Transport shall he regarded as flight experience engaged in the navigation of aircraft in applying the provisions of the preceding paragraph.





